This place is the selection and if they don't have what you looking they will look into getting it. Best customer service the ever.
- Yazmine Starr
Great customer service. Had just the right advise. Go see these guys.
- Rick Michaelis
Very impressed with their selection of disposables and devices! Couldn't have been happier! Great owners!
- Brigem Dahl
This is a cool new store. Nice friendly people and selection. The decor is assume too. Thank you so much!
- Michelle Mesman Michaelis
Great customer service, new business with a lot of knowledge brought over to it.
- John Gregory
3202 Henesta Drive, Suite K, Billings, MT 59102
Phone: (406) 839-2191
Mon-Sun: 10am-8pm
1108 Broadwater Ave.
Billings, MT 59102
Phone: (406) 200-7109
Mon-Sat: 10am-8pm
Sun: Closed